Alex Criqui

Alex Criqui and Dustin Klein never set out to make art that would grace the cover of National Geographic or be declared by The New York Times as the #1 “Most Influential Work of American Protest Art Since World War II,” but it happened. Alex describes how it started, where its going, and what its like to suddenly be thrust into national debates about social justice and the future of public art. 

For more information visit

Jonathan Becker

Ever wondered what it’s like to be one of the best in the world at something? Ever wanted to make a living doing something you love?

This month’s guest does both of those things by being equal parts dancer, sculptor, teacher, artist, and entrepreneur.

Jonathan Becker - the world’s most prolific theatrical mask-maker (no kidding) - discusses the joys and headaches of building a business to sustain a life in art.

To learn more visit

Geoffrey Kent

Every wonder what it’s really like to be a working actor? Only 2% earn a living — and less than .04% achieve fame — yet few who follow that path would have it any other way. 

Award-winning actor, director, fight director and teacher Geoffrey Kent takes us backstage into the life of a working artist before, during, and (hopefully) after the pandemic and explains what it’s like to chase the horizon every day.

To learn more about Geoffrey, visit